Artist, academic and researcher with a PhD in Fine Art
from The University of the Arts London. Sara’s art practice
is primarily photography and installation based, and explores key themes of memory, time, becomings, minor / fringe groups, multiplicities and the production of subjectivities. She currently lectures at The University for the Creative Arts.

  • Education

    2006 – 2015
    PhD in Fine Art
    The University of the Arts London
    Title of thesis: Choking on the madeleine: encounters and alternative approaches to memory in a contemporary art practice.
    The University of the Arts London, UK
    Supervisory team: Dr Mark Ingham and Prof Anne Tallentire

    2004 – 2005
    Master of Art - Fine Art

    Norwich University of the Arts
    (Norwich School of Art & Design), Norwich, UK

    Feb 1999 – Dec 2001
    Bachelor of Fine Art
    University of Newcastle, Australia

  • Selected Solo Exhibitions

    disruptive desires, The Crypt, St Mark’s Kennington, London, UK

    Déjà Perdu, The Centre for Drawing, Wimbledon College of Art, London, UK

    Fractions, Fotokompaniet Gallery, Göteborg, Sweden

    Disconnection Portrait, University of Newcastle, Australia

    Das Schloss , University of Newcastle, Australia

    Post-War Silence, Watt Space Galleries, Newcastle, Australia

    Der Prozess, University of Newcastle, Australia

  • Selected Group Exhibitions

    Design History Conference 2024 Border Control: Excursion, Incursion and Exclusion, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK

    Gender & Gesture: thinking beyond the visual,
    Foyer Gallery, Farnham, UK

    Gender and Gesture,
    Woxsen University, Hyderbad, India


    Family and Other Ties, Foyer Gallery, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK

    Orchestrated, Studio One Gallery, London, UK

    W.A.V.E Borders & Edges, Wimbledon Space, London, UK

    Facing Fear, Sotiri prize 2010, Lindart Cultural Centre, Tirana, Albania

    Mirror for the 21st Century, BECA Gallery, New Orleans, USA

    Urban Space (in collaboration with P. Glavey), Sao Paolo, Brazil

    Hatched 2002, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth, Australia

    This is _ _ _ art, Damien Minton Gallery, Newcastle, Australia

  • Conferences

    still intact, gelatinous and ready for swallowing, ‘Design History Conference 2024 Border Control: Excursion, Incursion and Exclusion’, 5-7 September, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK

    ‘Vestiges of Memory: a Symposium on Intersections between Photography and Autobiographical Memory’ (Convenor), 18-19 July, University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK

    Germ for a new Synthesis, as part of the panel What is the value of an arts PhD?, ‘Shaping Futures: Revisioning Doctorates through Arts and Design’, 17 May, University of the Arts London, London, UK

    Scratching beneath the surface: Devotion and graffiti in Canterbury Cathedral (co-delivered with J. Coulson and A. Sørensen), ‘Typography day 2023’ conference, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

    Everywhere Animals Appear: Non-Human Fables in the Land of Lenses, ‘The Animal Gaze Constructed’, London Metropolitan University, London, UK

    Non-human narratives and the production of new subjectivities: pack modes and becomings-animal, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London

    Panel chair, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London

    Choking on the madeleine: the Affect of Memory in Art Practice, ‘Human Interfaces: Borderless (Dis)connections and Disrupted Futures’, the Association for Photography in Higher Education (APHE), Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich, UK

    Corrupted Files Journal of Research, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London, UK

  • 2016
    The Batcave Archive and Corrupted Files Journal of Research, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London, UK

    Minoritarian Experiences: the Stuttering of Alternative Archives, '(De)Constructing the Archive in a Digital Age' symposium, School of the Arts, The University of Loughborough, UK

    Déjà-experiencé: Memory & Past-ness Considered Through a Practice-Led Research Project, 'Photography, Archive & Memory' day symposium, Centre for Research in Film and Audio Visual Cultures, Roehampton University, London, UK

    Déjà-experiencé: Memory & Past-ness Considered Through a Practice-Led Research Project, 'Narrative, Memory & Ordinary Lives' conference, Narrative & Memory Research Group 9th Annual Conference, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK

    Choking on the madeleine: issues of the metaphor for memory considered through a practice-led research project, ‘Self, Memory and Expression ' conference, Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies (APEAA) 30th annual conference, Porto, Portugal

    Choking on the madeleine: issues of the metaphor for memory considered through a practice-led research project, 'Spring Research Symposium' at the University of the Arts London, UK

    Journeys Back, 'The Art of Research: Research Narratives' symposium, Chelsea College of Art, UK

    Choking on the madeleine: issues of the metaphor for memory considered through a practice-led research project, ‘21 st Century Anxiety' conference, chaired by WJT Mitchell, The University of Nottingham , UK

    The 'Mnemic Space', 'Summer Research Symposium’, the University of the Arts London, UK

  • Guest lectures

    Corrupted Files: an experimental, interdisciplinary, open access journal of research, presentation as a nominee for the ‘Aphies award’ 2017, the Association for Photography in Higher Education (APHE), Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich, UK

    Presentation: practice-based research and the PhD process, The University of the Arts London, UK

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory and the past to MA Fine Art students at Central St Martins, The University of the Arts London, UK

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory and the past to MA Digital Media at Kingston University, London, UK

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory and the past to MA Fine Art students at Wimbledon College of Art, The University of the Arts London

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory, identity & family photographs, Thames Valley University, Ealing, UK

    Guest lecture: memory, identity & family photographs, Thames Valley University, Ealing, UK

  • Publications

    Andersdotter, S., Ingham, M., Kantas, V., Lowe, P. and Milic, N. (2023) Relationships between Autobiographical Memory and Photography, Hershey, USA: IGI Global

    Essay ‘Of Glass and Mirrors – Life in Reverse’ in: Evans, Carole (2020) Through the (Looking) Glass

    ‘The Politics of Absence: "Minor" Experiences and the Alternative Archive’, The International Journal of Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts, Volume 12, Issue 1. Nov 16, 2016

    Editor’s Letter: Conflict’, Corrupted Files, Issue 2

    'Editor's Letter: The Corruptive Forces of the New', Corrupted Files Issue 1

    Photographic work published in L. McQuiston, Visual Impact: Creative Dissent in in the 21st Century

    Déjà-experiencé – Pastness, Personal Narratives, Memory and Metaphorlessness discussed through a practice-led Research Project', Chapter in: Narrative, Memory & Ordinary Lives, Huddersfield: the Narrative & Memory Research Group, the University of Huddersfield

    Photographic work published in relation to the article 'Familjevecka i Georgia, USA', in: Nationellt Kunskapscenter för Dövblindfrågor Newsletter, Oct edition 2010

  • Bibliography

    'Feature on... Sara Andersdotter', WCA NEWSLETTER, Autumn 2008. Available here.

    ‘Mirror for the 21 st Century', SAATCHI ONLINE, Gerald, review, April/May 2008.

    'Morgue Meeting Just a Beginning', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD, article, 2001.12.06 'Priced Art', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD, Chad Watson/Linda Barnier, review, 2001.10.05 'Profoundity Wins Out', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - WEEKENDER, Robert Birch, review, 2001.09.29

    'Icons Fall Into Space', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD, Jill Stowell, review

    'Sharing The Surreal', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD WEEKENDER, Jill Stowell, review, 2001.07.21

    'Clear Choice', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - WEEKENDER, Meryl Ryan, review, 2000.09.16 'Space By The Lake', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - WEEKENDER, Jill Stowell, review, 2000.05.19

  • Collections

    University of Newcastle Union, Australia

    Norwich University of the Arts, UK

    In private collections in the USA, Australia, Hong Kong and Sweden