Disruptive Desires
The immersive, multi media installation Disruptive Desires set out to uproot desires to represent memory and the past. Sprawling across the dark spaces of the large crypt of St Mark’s Church in Kennington London, the exhibition let notions of the recollected, the fictive, childhood memories, imagination, affect and desire ooze, bleed and seep into one another, with a focus on the subjective and the vernacular.
Disruptive Desires brought together several moving image works, photographs, objects, sound works, smells and space, which were all interconnected.
In the central room of the crypt was a digital projection of a still photograph taken inside a hunting lodge, and along its walls were antler, protruding as if from within the walls of the crypt.
The video Hunting Songs was projected onto the back wall of the central space of the crypt, featuring Kennington Community Choir singing – in Swedish – a set of hunting songs, written by Bäreberg’s hunting team. The video was filmed in the same space of the crypt in which it was projected.
The audio from Hunting Songs alternated with another video, Up Around the Bend, screened on a TV monitor in an octagonal space along the western catacomb; a video also filmed in the crypt. In this video, a wild boar is seen playing an online game called The Hunter to Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Up Around the Bend.
In another space along the western catacomb was the 28-minute video Luffare Narratives, entailing a dialogue with a childhood friend about games we used to play as children.
A fourth video, Bait Cam, was screened on a continuous loop in the eastern catacomb. The video consists of footage from a bait camera, triggered by a motion sensor, set up in a rural location in Sweden, and shows deer, wild boar, and moose moving in and out of shot. It was projected behind a closed gate in the crypt, which created an illusion of depth and a presence of the animals depicted.