
  • 06 – 15

    PhD in Fine Art
    The University of the Arts London

    Title of thesis: Choking on the madeleine: encounters and alternative approaches to memory in a contemporary art practice.
    The University of the Arts London, UK

    Supervisory team: Dr Mark Ingham and Prof Anne Tallentire

  • 04 – 05

    Master of Art - Fine Art
    Norwich University of the Arts
    (prev: Norwich School of Art & Design), Norwich, UK

  • Feb 99 – Dec 01

    Bachelor of Fine Art
    University of Newcastle, Australia

Selected solo exhibitions

  • 2012

    disruptive desires, The Crypt, St Mark’s Kennington, London, UK

  • 2009

    Déjà Perdu, The Centre for Drawing, Wimbledon College of Art, London, UK

  • 2004

    Fractions, Fotokompaniet Gallery, Göteborg, Sweden

  • 2001

    Disconnection Portrait, University of Newcastle, Australia

    Das Schloss , University of Newcastle, Australia

    Post-War Silence, Watt Space Galleries, Newcastle, Australia

    Der Prozess, University of Newcastle, Australia

Selected group exhibitions

  • 2012

    Orchestrated, Studio One Gallery, London, UK

  • 2010

    W.A.V.E Borders & Edges, Wimbledon Space, London, UK

    Facing Fear, Sotiri prize 2010, Lindart Cultural Centre, Tirana, Albania

  • 2008

    Mirror for the 21st Century, BECA Gallery, New Orleans, USA

    Urban Space (in collaboration with P. Glavey), Sao Paolo, Brazil

  • 2002

    Hatched 2002, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth, Australia

  • 2001

    This is _ _ _ art, Damien Minton Gallery, Newcastle, Australia

Conferences, symposia and papers

  • 2020

    Everywhere Animals Appear: Non-Human Fables in the Land of Lenses, ‘The Animal Gaze Constructed’, London Metropolitan University, London, UK

  • 2019

    Non-human narratives and the production of new subjectivities: pack modes and becomings-animal, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London

  • 2018

    Panel chair, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London

  • 2017

    Choking on the madeleine: the Affect of Memory in Art Practice, ‘Human Interfaces: Borderless (Dis)connections and Disrupted Futures’, the Association for Photography in Higher Education (APHE), Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich, UK

    Corrupted Files Journal of Research, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London, UK

  • 2016

    The Batcave Archive and Corrupted Files Journal of Research, ‘Research, Teaching & Learning Conference’, Ravensbourne University London, UK

  • 2010

    Minoritarian Experiences: the Stuttering of Alternative Archives, '(De)Constructing the Archive in a Digital Age' symposium, School of the Arts, The University of Loughborough, UK

  • 2009

    Déjà-experiencé: Memory & Past-ness Considered Through a Practice-Led Research Project, 'Photography, Archive & Memory' day symposium, Centre for Research in Film and Audio Visual Cultures, Roehampton University, London, UK

    Déjà-experiencé: Memory & Past-ness Considered Through a Practice-Led Research Project, 'Narrative, Memory & Ordinary Lives' conference, Narrative & Memory Research Group 9th Annual Conference, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK

  • 2009

    Choking on the madeleine: issues of the metaphor for memory considered through a practice-led research project, ‘Self, Memory and Expression ' conference, Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies (APEAA) 30th annual conference, Porto, Portugal

    Choking on the madeleine: issues of the metaphor for memory considered through a practice-led research project, 'Spring Research Symposium' at the University of the Arts London, UK

  • 2008

    Journeys Back, 'The Art of Research: Research Narratives' symposium, Chelsea College of Art, UK

    Choking on the madeleine: issues of the metaphor for memory considered through a practice-led research project, ‘21 st Century Anxiety' conference, chaired by WJT Mitchell, The University of Nottingham , UK

  • 2006

    The 'Mnemic Space', 'Summer Research Symposium’, the University of the Arts London, UK

Guest lectures and presentations

  • 2017

    Corrupted Files: an experimental, interdisciplinary, open access journal of research, presentation as a nominee for the ‘Aphies award’ 2017, the Association for Photography in Higher Education (APHE), Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich, UK

  • 2010

    Presentation: practice-based research and the PhD process, The University of the Arts London, UK

  • 2009

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory and the past to MA Fine Art students at Central St Martins, The University of the Arts London, UK

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory and the past to MA Digital Media at Kingston University, London, UK

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory and the past to MA Fine Art students at Wimbledon College of Art, The University of the Arts London

  • 2006

    Guest lecture: PhD research into memory, identity & family photographs, Thames Valley University, Ealing, UK

  • 2005

    Guest lecture: memory, identity & family photographs, Thames Valley University, Ealing, UK

  • Publications

    ‘The Politics of Absence: "Minor" Experiences and the Alternative Archive’, The International Journal of Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts, Volume 12, Issue 1. Nov 16, 2016

    Editor’s Letter: Conflict’, Corrupted Files, Issue 2

    'Editor's Letter: The Corruptive Forces of the New', Corrupted Files Issue 1

    Photographic work published in L. McQuiston, Visual Impact: Creative Dissent in in the 21st Century

    Déjà-experiencé – Pastness, Personal Narratives, Memory and Metaphorlessness discussed through a practice-led Research Project', Chapter in: Narrative, Memory & Ordinary Lives, Huddersfield: the Narrative & Memory Research Group, the University of Huddersfield

    Photographic work published in relation to the article 'Familjevecka i Georgia, USA', in: Nationellt Kunskapscenter för Dövblindfrågor Newsletter, Oct edition 2010

  • Bibliography

    'Feature on... Sara Andersdotter', WCA NEWSLETTER, Autumn 2008. Available here.

    ‘Mirror for the 21 st Century', SAATCHI ONLINE, Gerald, review, April/May 2008.

    'Morgue Meeting Just a Beginning', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD, article, 2001.12.06 'Priced Art', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD, Chad Watson/Linda Barnier, review, 2001.10.05 'Profoundity Wins Out', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - WEEKENDER, Robert Birch, review, 2001.09.29

    'Icons Fall Into Space', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD, Jill Stowell, review

    'Sharing The Surreal', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD WEEKENDER, Jill Stowell, review, 2001.07.21

    'Clear Choice', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - WEEKENDER, Meryl Ryan, review, 2000.09.16 'Space By The Lake', THE NEWCASTLE HERALD - WEEKENDER, Jill Stowell, review, 2000.05.19

  • Collections

    University of Newcastle Union, Australia

    Norwich University of the Arts, UK

    In private collections in the USA, Australia, Hong Kong and Sweden